Solutions for E-Commerce

More Sales, Less Effort, Anytime, Anywhere

Maximize E-commerce with Smart Product Visualization

Hassle-Free Product Integration

Through product integration, you can capitalize on its benefits. Users can visualize various products using Tilesview, such as flooring materials, wall coverings, rugs, and paints, and express interest. They can then effortlessly transition to your website's product page, simplifying the shopping experience.

Manually enhance your API documentation

360 Degree Product Visualization

Interactive 360° Panorama Views for Smarter Shopping. Immerse users in a seamless 360-degree product visualization experience, showcasing every detail from all angles. The innovative feature builds user interaction through its dynamic product exploration function which improves viewer engagement.

Add to Cart, Checkout in Seconds

The 'Add to Cart' feature enables users to add their product selection while specifying the quantity and packaging details and view detailed product information to create an efficient checkout process that automatically generates e-bills during payment.

Manually enhance your API documentation